Thursday, April 22, 2010

Catching up, kind of

Okay, so we have done a bunch of stuff but mostly regular old everyday stuff, so I didn't take pictures. Which is really too bad, because everyday stuff is what happens most often and also what is the easiest to forget. Blah blah, here are some pictures.

We have been cooking. Hazel is an excellent helper. She especially likes to lick the bowl and spoon. She really likes to eat flour. Straight flour. It seems icky but she likes it.
There has been a LOT of dressing up and/or dancing. Hazel has plenty of dress-up clothes but she also likes to create her own (see the leg things below). Thank goodness we have laundry facilities.
Hazel has this friend, E. they met at Story Time at the Library. I really like her parents and Hazel likes E. so it is a great combination. They had a princess play date and made some (disgusting) Easy Bake cakes. Those mixes are gross. We are going to stick with making our own. But the girls had a great time.
Hazel also got her own video game. It is a Leapster and she loves it. It has age-appropriate games (hooray!) and she can do it all by herself. Way different from other game systems we may have at the house. Plus, it should prove helpful on long trips.
Apparently, I think the kid is cute playing her game. Notice the tongue, helping the concentration.
A couple of different expressions in her heart pajamas.
I see this face way too often. This child is oh, so defiant.
Hazel has a LOT of art projects. We are overrun in art. Hazel decided to have an Art Show and sell some of her art. It went well until a furry, black-and-white critic pooped on some art. Still, we got rid of a bunch of paper.*
Hazel just finished another round of swim lessons. We do them at Westminster and love them. The teachers are students, the classes are cheap (like me!) and Hazel loves getting to swim every week. She is still cannot swim on her own but she is getting more confident in her swimming ability and is learning to love the water. Swimming at Tutu's should be awesome this summer.
It was also Easter. We dyed eggs with Jenni, Christie, Shauntil, Tayvia and Ashton. It was good times. The kids barreled through the eggs, but I did make a fancy rainbow one and Shauntil made some using the Cricut and vinyl.
The next day we made deviled eggs for Heather's Easter party. Notice the fancy picks. I apparently love my Cricut (and Shauntil's cartridges).
Hazel has also spent a bunch of time with her Auntie Michelle. She does not pack lightly. It has been great having Michelle in the basement. Hazel and Michelle spend a lot of quality time together.
And we have been working on various house projects. One day, our house will be even better. Currently, it is somewhat worse. :)

*Okay, so I can't/won't/don't keep all of her art projects. There is way too much! I try and take digital pictures of them and eventually I will make a book compiling them (or not) but I just can't keep all of that paper. Not to mention the 3D art.