Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Puerto Rico Day 7- Dec 15

ugh. One more I didn't publish. Good thing bloggin' isn't my j-o-b.

We went into Old San Juan on our last day in PR. Hazel and I ate a baked potato from a street vendor (seriously, baked potato = fantastic street food, why isn't this a thing everywhere??)

Birds were fed.

Statues were posed with.
Fountains were played in.
Visited a fort.

It was a tight fit.
One picture with the entire family. ONE! And there is grumpiness. blergh.

Headstand, of course.
scenery n' stuff.

Bottom line: Puerto Rico 10/10 would visit again.

Puerto Rico Day 6-Dec 14

Yo. I know this was like a year ago (technically, 8 months) but I just saw this, and one more in my draft files and I am never going to finish them. So, posting as is. Enjoy, mom. <--i am="" blog.="" br="" checks="" my="" one="" only="" pretty="" still="" sure="" the="" who="">

We went to the other side of the island. It was not my favorite. More bugs, less beautiful beaches, a power line coming out of the ocean. We could barely manage a family picture.
Two fancy girls, being fancy.
These were taken at night, but if I move them they will resize and so they are just going to have to live out of chronological order.
The horse head made many an appearance.

See how I am ready to punch that horse?!?! He was getting very, very close. Uncomfortably close. I did not enjoy that.