Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Hazel has been opininated for quite some time, especially when it comes to clothes. Well, now she is getting older, but not necessarily wiser, in the ways of dressing. My point, yesterday as I was getting her dressed she repeatedly said she wanted to wear her "pirate shirt", I was not sure what the pirate shirt was, and so just kept offering her options. Finally, I let her just dig through the drawers and this is the outfit she came up with:
How, in the name of all that is pirate, is this a pirate outfit? Later, she switched to purple shorts, which were also "pirate". Who am I to argue? **When I was uploading pictures she pointed to this one and said, "I'm a pirate!" So, it seems it wasn't a passing thing. She really was a pirate.**

It seems the car on blocks and engine on a table is finally getting to her, because today she come up with this hillbilly outfit. And then she wanted to tussle. Luckily, I am wearing the tussle-repellant (proof?) bracelet today. In Your Face, Tussle Baby!
Not really clothing related, but Monday night (man, my days are all outta wack, wickity-wack), I was in the dungeon studying and everything was quiet upstairs so I went to investigate. Here is the cuteness I encountered:

Reading! Together! On the window seat! Notice how the Hazel is a haze. Ha!
Also, a tea set I bought in Chinatown. I was a little disappointed when I opened the box and there were no space aliens. Number One Tea Set!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Some Recent Pics

Danger Baby at it again. After seeing her method of getting to her pants and shirt drawers, I've been demonstrating the safer results she can get by using a chair.
I played soccer on May 17th. My leg 6 days later. Bruised from heel to within inches of my knee. Still swollen too. Looks worse than it feels (I guess). I'm having it checked out just to be safe. Might as well use the insurance since I have it right?

For a few days, Hazel would only nap if she could sleep in Triscuits bed. On this particular day, she needed it to also be a tent. Unfortunately she woke up and yanked the blanket down before I could fire off the camera. Oh well, in this pic you get to see her.

Dressed as a pirate. Need I say more?
Fine, I guess I do. How about some bad pirate jokes:
Hazel's favorite letter? ARRRRR
Favorite body part? Arrrrrrrmpit
Most disliked MegaChain store? WalmARRRRRRRRT
Favorite attribute about herself? Being Smarrrrrrrrt

The end.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another one bites the dust!

Back from San Francisco, got an 87 on my FAR (Financial something Reporting)!!! WOO HOO! I am awesome!

Really, I had no idea how I would do on this exam, so I am thrilled and surprised by the 87. A lot of time and candy (mostly Whoppers) went into that 87.

Go me!

Update on SF later. Or check Jenni's blog (

Friday, May 16, 2008

One Down, Three (or Five) to Go!

Woo hoo! I passed one section of my CPA exam. So, one of four national tests but then there are two state exams too. Thus the three or five to go. The state exams are much smaller/easier than the national exams so they don't count as much.

Anywho, passed one. BEC. With an 86. You could say I 86'ed it. HA!

The end. I am going to San Francisco tomorrow with Jenni. I am sure she will update when we are back. I probably won't...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Monster!

Here is my quick story for the night*:
Geoff is off at his sister's watching some game with the cousins, so Hazel and I have been chillin', like villains. All night she has been talking about the monster. We have to hide from the monster, we brush teeth like the monster (?), I even had to snuggle her on my lap to save her from the monster. The last bit was actually rather nice since normally it is like trying to snuggle a sack of rabid weasels.

Alas, the good times had to end and momma needs to study (or blog, whatever). So, we go in her room and read Lilly's Big Day and The Nose Book. And then she does NOT want to go to sleep, up and down and wiggling and asking for stuff and generally acting like a two-year-old. Then she starts in on the monster bit again. So, I told her that I would be right outside her door (true, I brought the laptop upstairs) and wouldn't let the monster in her room. And that if she was really quiet and stayed in bed and kept her eyes closes the monster couldn't get her.

Normally, it takes like 45 minutes to get that kid to calm down and go to sleep. But, man, the fear of the monster is totally working. Not a peep. If I knew the monster threat was so powerful, I would have used it before. Maybe it is better to keep for the nights I really need it.

The end. Now I will study.

*This is obviously a blatant attempt to avoid studying. Which sucks. The studying, not the avoiding.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Jenni's Graduation

Whoops. I thought I posted this stuff, but apparently no.

So, Auntie Jenni graduated on May 2. She wore a green dress and looked pretty and smart. And waved a lot. Probably because we were right over the entrance and yelled. A lot. We were not the only ones who did this, but we probably had the best vantage point for yelling and taking pictures. I have a lot of pictures, but they are mostly boring shots of people I don't know. But, here is a lovely shot of Jenni.

And one of Jenni with various relatives. Grandma Marilyn is secretly a wrestler. Here she is putting Ben in a headlock.
Hazel ate a LOT of cotton candy at the party. And her face got progressively dirty as the evening wore on.

Gloria got in the action, but not quite as much.

May, so far.

Last weekend we finally cut down the apricot tree that died like two years ago. Notice how there is barely any bark on the tree? Oh yeah, my mom (Grandma Marilyn) and I totally peeled the bark. Plus, see that itty-bitty nick in the tree about the level of the ladder shelf? That is where we cut with the itty-bitty handsaw. And then Geoff came in with a chainsaw and cut it all down in like 45 minutes. It is called cooperation.
Bernie held the rope in an attempt to have the pieces fall in a somewhat controlled fashion. The first (massive) log did not fall as intended, and broke the fence. Doh. Everything else went nicely, however. I guess a broken fence is better than a broken Geoff or a broken swingset.
Grandma Marilyn has a hurt foot. Hazel is two and (1) likes to comment on EVERYTHING, all the time and (2) likes to mimic people. She pointed out that Grandma has one boot and one shoe. And then she got on one boot and one shoe. It was very cute. Remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
And then, just today Hazel told me to come see and this is what I got. She said, "mom, get the camera." And I did. And she took her hands off the handles for just a minute. But wouldn't look at me while she did it. Still, I think she has a future in the circus.
Just a cute shot post-bike ride.
Finally, Hazel and Nacho having a nap together.