Hazel has been opininated for quite some time, especially when it comes to clothes. Well, now she is getting older, but not necessarily wiser, in the ways of dressing. My point, yesterday as I was getting her dressed she repeatedly said she wanted to wear her "pirate shirt", I was not sure what the pirate shirt was, and so just kept offering her options. Finally, I let her just dig through the drawers and this is the outfit she came up with:
How, in the name of all that is pirate, is this a pirate outfit? Later, she switched to purple shorts, which were also "pirate". Who am I to argue? **When I was uploading pictures she pointed to this one and said, "I'm a pirate!" So, it seems it wasn't a passing thing. She really was a pirate.**
It seems the car on blocks and engine on a table is finally getting to her, because today she come up with this hillbilly outfit. And then she wanted to tussle. Luckily, I am wearing the tussle-repellant (proof?) bracelet today. In Your Face, Tussle Baby!
Not really clothing related, but Monday night (man, my days are all outta wack, wickity-wack), I was in the dungeon studying and everything was quiet upstairs so I went to investigate. Here is the cuteness I encountered:
Not really clothing related, but Monday night (man, my days are all outta wack, wickity-wack), I was in the dungeon studying and everything was quiet upstairs so I went to investigate. Here is the cuteness I encountered:
Reading! Together! On the window seat! Notice how the Hazel is a haze. Ha!
Also, a tea set I bought in Chinatown. I was a little disappointed when I opened the box and there were no space aliens. Number One Tea Set!