Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Puerto Rico Day 7- Dec 15

ugh. One more I didn't publish. Good thing bloggin' isn't my j-o-b.

We went into Old San Juan on our last day in PR. Hazel and I ate a baked potato from a street vendor (seriously, baked potato = fantastic street food, why isn't this a thing everywhere??)

Birds were fed.

Statues were posed with.
Fountains were played in.
Visited a fort.

It was a tight fit.
One picture with the entire family. ONE! And there is grumpiness. blergh.

Headstand, of course.
scenery n' stuff.

Bottom line: Puerto Rico 10/10 would visit again.

Puerto Rico Day 6-Dec 14

Yo. I know this was like a year ago (technically, 8 months) but I just saw this, and one more in my draft files and I am never going to finish them. So, posting as is. Enjoy, mom. <--i am="" blog.="" br="" checks="" my="" one="" only="" pretty="" still="" sure="" the="" who="">

We went to the other side of the island. It was not my favorite. More bugs, less beautiful beaches, a power line coming out of the ocean. We could barely manage a family picture.
Two fancy girls, being fancy.
These were taken at night, but if I move them they will resize and so they are just going to have to live out of chronological order.
The horse head made many an appearance.

See how I am ready to punch that horse?!?! He was getting very, very close. Uncomfortably close. I did not enjoy that.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sunriver Trip

I still have Puerto Rico posts in my queue and we went to Thailand, no updates, but I downloaded the pictures from Sunriver and thought I would quickly post them.

Luckily, about 1/2 the pictures from the trip are of deer and or squirrels so I don't have a lot to pick from.

We went to Lava Butte and hiked around. And laughed a lot about pronouncing Butte. Because, butt.

Then we posed like ninjas. Butte ninjas.

Then we hiked in a cave. Made from lava! This is all in Newberry National Volcanic Monument. Lynne almost died from bonking her head right at the beginning, and then getting death marched into the cave for a mile or so. Good times....
 The roof almost came down on me.
 But Geoff was able to hold it up.
 And we all made it out in the end.
We had a wedding that night, the main reason for the trip. We got all fancied up and tried to take a lovely family picture.
 And failed.
 Hazel tried to feed a deer from her hand. Also, failed.
We ate a lot of junk food. Hiked around. Danced like maniacs at the wedding. Ate more junk food. Drank many tasty beverages. And then we came home.

The end.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Puerto Rico Day 5-Dec 13

I uploaded pics forever ago, and then forgot to finish posts. doh.

This was a rainy, rainy day. We had already planned for fancy day, so now we had rainy fancy day, which meant Dance Party USA-territory edition. Geoff did not participate in DPUSA-te but did take pictures for us.
Random shot of the house.

We also went to Al's Mar Azul (fun fact: I could not remember the name of this bar, two months later, but I asked Hazel and she knew it with no hesitation). They had delicious french fries, tons of hot sauce, and blue beverages. It was a great place to waste away a rainy afternoon. This was one of Hazel's favorite memories from the trip. She just had ice and french fries, btw.

After Al's we went to the sea glass beach and found tons of pieces of sea glass. Maybe one day we will do something with them, but for now they just live in a box.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Puerto Rico Day 4-Dec 12

Vieques is known for having a large population of wild horses. Turns out there were also a lot of Wilde horses. ha!
This was the road to the most fantastic beaches ever. Or some of them. This is why they only rent 4-wheel drive vehicles. And almost exclusively Jeep Whatever-we-had.
Totally worth the crappy road. We got to Orchid aka Secret beach and it was so nice. It even came complete with a few little huts. Shade! Somewhere to hang stuff!
Michelle fought off all those who tried to take our hut. (note: there was a few locals girls and their dog who came to surf and then a couple of couples who came later but further down the beach)
Family picture.
Family picture, silly faces. I had to bargain with Hazel to get her to take a nice picture.
I don't know why she is making this face.
Michelle on the cliff. True Fact: Geoff was also taking a picture of Michelle at this location and time, but from the other side of the cliff.
More handstands were done.
I don't remember what else we did. Ate some food, went to other beaches, played games, these are all possibilities, but I don't recall for sure.

Hands down, Orchid Beach was my favorite. I loved the little huts, I loved that it was at the end of a crazy road and when you broke through the foliage, bam! awesome beach. Plus, the fact that we were on Vieques during the low season, and thus never encountered many people didn't hurt.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Puerto Rico Day 3-Dec 11

We took almost no pictures this day, and the ones that were taken are pretty ridiculous.

After a busy day running from beach to beach (and some people getting sunburned), we decided to take it easy in preparation for staying up late to go to the Bioluminescent Bay that night.

There was much dancing and playing of Monopoly Deal and more dancing and reading books and playing on the lawn and walking down to the rocky little beach by our house. But, mostly just hanging out.

Then we went to the Bio Bay. It was fantastic and amazing and magic and there is nothing that I can type or say or photo (ha!) that will even begin to describe the amazingness of it. Every single person should experience it. Preferably on a dark, dark night.

A few stories o' the bay

- It was DARK, almost no moon and very little light pollution from the "city". I was paddling around with Lynne in my boat when we hear Hazel start screaming and then hear Geoff scream. Hazel was already a bit leery of paddling around at night so her scream was not nearly as worrisome as Geoff's. But, when I heard Geoff start, I started paddling. I don't think I have ever paddled as hard or fast in my life. I made Lynne just pull in her paddle (she was not great at it). We get over there just as the guides are using a flashlight to find the needlefish that had jumped in their boat. Of all the boats! Why did it have to jump into that one?? Hazel jumped into the "upper deck" and was straddling the top of the canoe. Funny to me, but she is still not finding the humor...

- It is virtually impossible to take a picture in the bay. It is so dark and the lights are so small and the long exposures that I have seen don't really capture the magic little creatures. Not really a story, but an excuse. And a reason everyone should go to Vieques.

- A rain storm came in and as the storm came over the bay, it would light up as it hit the water. It was so cool. Seriously, there is a reason I work with numbers, I do not have the skillz to describe.

Anyway, it was awesome and awe inspiring and whatever adjectives work in this situation. I am so glad we got to go see it and I hope one day my child realizes how incredible it was and what a fantastic experience she had, even if a scary fish jumped in her boat.