Saturday, February 9, 2013

Puerto Rico Day 5-Dec 13

I uploaded pics forever ago, and then forgot to finish posts. doh.

This was a rainy, rainy day. We had already planned for fancy day, so now we had rainy fancy day, which meant Dance Party USA-territory edition. Geoff did not participate in DPUSA-te but did take pictures for us.
Random shot of the house.

We also went to Al's Mar Azul (fun fact: I could not remember the name of this bar, two months later, but I asked Hazel and she knew it with no hesitation). They had delicious french fries, tons of hot sauce, and blue beverages. It was a great place to waste away a rainy afternoon. This was one of Hazel's favorite memories from the trip. She just had ice and french fries, btw.

After Al's we went to the sea glass beach and found tons of pieces of sea glass. Maybe one day we will do something with them, but for now they just live in a box.

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