But, enough whining...
Since Geoff is laid up, Hazel has to find ways to entertain herself. Such as pumping the sink full of soap and water and making bubbles.
Sometimes being so clean makes Hazel angry. Or something. I don't know what she is doing in the is picture.
Hazel has always been independently minded. She likes what she likes and doesn't want to be told differently. This is especially true when it comes to clothes. As long as she is dressed appropriately for the weather, and I don't have anything going on where I need her to look nice, I just let her be. This makes for some rather "interesting" outfits.
Here we have the infamous "belt" that is actually a headband. Also, she is in a tent made out of two dining chairs and a sheet. In front of the heat vent. She gets that from her dad. The complete blocking of a heat vent. Just a little self-congratulations, I love the pom-poms on this dress. I think they really make the outfit. I wish I had done the bodice longer so I could have had a level surface on which to sew the ribbon but other than that, I really think this is a cute dress.Here is an even fancier outfit. We bought her a new swimsuit (seen in the soap picture over jammies), and she has been wearing it pretty much constantly. Hazel and I even went swimming today, and she wore her new swimsuit. It is way too big. I guess I didn't notice earlier because she has been wearing it over all her other clothes. Notice the face. She did not want her picture taken.
In fact, she took off when I was trying to take a picture of her outfit. It is like she knows I will pull it out later in life... Plus, the action in this shot is fabulous.
Another outfit. I actually let her out of the house in this. I think we were going to the grocery store. So we have tights, leg warmers, shorts (from Japan) and then up top there is a long sleeve shirt, the matching Japan shirt and the fancy hooded sweater/jacket. Oh, and pink sparkly shoes. None of these are weird alone, but you get it all together and...well, let's just say you can tell she dresses herself. We tried to get a head-on shot but again she pulled the "no tam-er-a" stunt. (translation: No Camera, i.e. I don't want you to take my picture)
People always say that when you buy a kid a toy they would rather just play with the box. Well, you don't even have to buy them a toy. Hazel is just as happy playing with the box that my new filing cabinet came in. She made a house. Geoff cut this window. I cut one like an 'I' with a big top and bottom so it opens like shutters. Probably because I have a good back. She has also decorate and furnished the house. It is pretty full in there. But, she really likes her little house.
Notice the old filing cabinet in the background? If you want it, it is yours, just let me know. Two-drawer lateral filing cabinet. Fits letter or legal. We just don't have that much stuff to file and now that I am spending more time in the dungeon, I mean basement, I trying to get it cleaned out and organized. Which is all the more difficult since Geoff is an invalid and can't move anything.
Also, we have two CRT monitors (i.e. not flat-panel) if anyone wants them. Free to a good (or bad) home.