Thursday, March 27, 2008

I = Slacker

Okay, so the answer was "duck". Jenni will be getting a prize soon. Even though she should be disqualified because she gave two answers. But, the prize is the duck art, and I think Candi probably gets enough kid art as it is, what with three boys and all.

Anyway, that is my only update. I have two weeks and like 13 hours until I take my first CPA exam, and even though that sounds like a lot, it is not. Oh, and I am freaking out about it.

Thanks for playing my game. I may have a better contest when I my stress level drops to a bearable level.


Candice said...

You will do great. Hang in there!

Jenni said...

YAHOO! I love being the winner! Though I don't really need a prize, I will just come to your house and eat your candy!

Aim said...

Oh man, I wanted to win

Aim said...

Good luck with the test. You will do good, you have always been good at tests.

macarace said...

I should have stolen the prize when I was there.... But at least I got to eat your candy too, and play with the Hazel. You will do great.