Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We have a cat.

So, there has been a cat outside our house, basically since we moved in. First it was living on our roof. But lately it has been on the porches and meowing loudly. Hazel really wants a cat. In fact, she is waiting for Geoff to die so she can get a cat. And then along came Rufus* the Reindeer** cat.
*because he lives on the roof
** I don't know why the reindeer, except that reindeer live on the roof.
And then I fed him dog food and he was happy. And then Hazel asked to buy him cat food. So I did. And I guess this means we have a cat. Maybe he is a mouser... Anyway, here is a picture of Rufus. While he was meowing loudly at me from the front porch. Also, a bunch of lathe from the basement. Because apparently we need to keep that. On the front porch. Because our house isn't junky enough.
Hazel's outfit today. Candy cane (sic) dress and hat. And crazy interpretive dance hands.
She is showing off her ponytail holder. It is Hello Kitty and she is very proud of it.
And those are the only pictures I have from the big camera. I am going to do a separate post for the little camera. because they are mostly from Hazel.


Jenni said...

Yahoo for kitties!!! Though I believe Hazel said the cat's name was the same as my cat's name! GOSH!

Jenni said...

Oh and I love all the pictures. That is a GREAT picture of the cat.

Aim said...

Well your cat looks CRAZY but I guess all cats are crazy. I hope it likes mice, we need a cat but I don't want a cat. We caught 10 mice in one week under our sink. I haven't seen any evidence of them lately so I hope we are in control of the problem now.

I love the interpretive dance picture, at the kids school this year they have hired a "dance specialist" yesterday they had an informance. So pretty much we have a school of interpretive dancers, it was pretty funny they danced like they were rock formations, digestive systems, erosion and such.

Jenni said...

Hey your cat looks like Domo, Samuel's new cat!

Jolly Roger Crew said...

we have named the cat Totoro, not Domo. It does look like ours. Cats are very good for mice control. Our cats always kill the mice before they get in our house. We have never had to put out mouse traps.