Sunday, March 8, 2009

Couple pictures of the kid

We went to an art opening for a friend at the Main Library last week and Hazel looked particularly lovely. She looks great in dark colors.
And also in whatever she is wearing here. I am pretty sure she is being a "dinosaurus rex".
She is definitely being a bunny here. She wore this costume all evening. She is hilarious in this costume. Everything is funnier when a 3-foot-tall bunny is doing it.
Another day (Friday?) she was a spaceman. I wish I had a better picture of it.

Must go sit by the kid now.


Tamaran said...

The dinosaurus rex made me laugh out loud. Then Jenni told me about the weekend with Hazel. Man your kid makes me laugh!

Aim said...

I love the very serious top picture of Hazel being very serious. She did look very nice that day. And she was very nice to Cedric, making sure that he had food and all. The remodeling looks like it is going good, I'm impressed with all the work that you have gotten done. Keep your eye on the prize, it will look wonderful when it is done!