Saturday, April 4, 2009

Funny Stories

Okay, I have a bunch of funny stories that I won't remember so I am putting them here, in no particular order:
  1. Hazel and I went to Costco this morning and I put her in the back seat while I put stuff in the trunk. When I was done and went to buckle her in she was freaking out and said, "You just left me here to die!" Yeah, cause that is what I do.
  2. Hazel went to a sleepover at Tutu's (Geoff's mom) house and asked me if Tutu had cookie mix and I said that I didn't think so but maybe they could make them from scratch. Hazel said, "No, she can't. Her lives in Bountiful." Two reasons this is funny. (1) Tutu is not a big cook. She probably could make them from scratch but it brings me to (2) when I was telling Tutu the story I got bunched in the arm before I made it to the reason why she couldn't make them from scratch and AND! she had the cookie dough that you just break apart and cookie. (bah!)
  3. When we got to Tutu's house, as I pulled in the parking lot, Hazel said, "I know where her (sic) lives, I will just run there." I told her I needed to hold her hand while we crossed the parking lot. So, we got to the sidewalk and she said, "I know where her lives, I will just run there." I told her I would walk her there and she repeated, "I know where her lives, bye bye." As if I am just going to let her run to the condo. But then I explained that I needed to carry her stuff and she huffed and said, "fine."
I know I am biased, but I find the kid hilarious. And this is my blog. The end.


anne said...

She is hilarious! Thanks for sharing the stories. I love to hear them. And I love that you are enjoying her so much.

macarace said...

What about her hurting her arm and not being able to suck it up? She is a hilarious child. I am not sure why she was worried about being left to die since you were right there....