Friday, August 28, 2009

Warheads Candy

Hazel went to a friend's birthday party and hit the mother-load with the pinata. There was a lot of Tootsie Rolls and suckers but there were also a few Warheads (ULTRA sour candies, for those who may not know the "joy" that is Warheads). I told her she wouldn't like them but she would not listen. So, then I asked her to just wait until I had the camera. Hilarity ensued.

This chain of pictures makes me convulse in laughter. Especially the pirate face. I cannot even think about it without chuckling.

Also, see the sneak preview of the adorable dress I made her for the grand Disney adventure. Hint: It is not a Mickey Mouse dress.... I have said too much.


Brannie said...

I personally LOVE the one with the drool coming out, right after she ditched the warhead. That'll teach her for not listening to her mom, eh?

BonnieandSteve said...

Love it!

I'm trying to not wake Steve up from my laughing!

macarace said...

The pictures are great. I will look at them when I need a chuckle. I love the sad look at the end.

Tamaran said...

That cracks me up! I've got tears coming out of the corners of my eyes! Thank you so much for posting those. Everyone needs a good afternoon laugh, I think.

Candice said...

Nice. Love how they just have to try stuff & they still don't listen the next time, lol. Her haircut is so cute!